Letter to Embassies in Honduras

Honduras, January 18, 2011
Honorable Ambassador
(Full name)

Embassy of (XXXXXXX) in Honduras

Blessed Ambassador, greetings to you as we live the days of the Son of Man.

The citizens of Honduras who belong to Ministerio Internacional Creciendo en Gracia (Growing in Grace International Ministry), respectfully request for your collaboration as an observer of the transgression committed unto us by the Government of Honduras, who has violated our fundamental rights according to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted by the United Nations, of which Honduras has been a member of since 1945, as well as the Pact of San Jose, Costa Rica; rights that are supposed to be guaranteed according to the Political Constitution in the Republic of Honduras.

We have enclosed signed petitions as evidence of our request (see attached), and we receive that the country in which you represent considers taking time aside to serve as a witness to the illegal actions committed against us as well as our Worldwide Leader, Dr. Jose Luis De Jesus, who was denied entry into this country in 2007 by the Honduran Government as they dared to release false immigration alerts against him.

It is important to highlight that the government acts against us due to the influence and recommendations of the representatives of the Catholic religion in this country, as well as that of the Evangelical and Protestant religions. They have published lies in the mass media, limited and prohibited our freedom of: association, expression, cult, and locomotion, the free emission of thought, as well as the invasion and confiscation of private property. In addition, we have been subject to “religious” persecution by the authorities. It is noteworthy to mention that denunciations of crime do not exist against our Ministry, our representatives, or against Jose Luis De Jesus Miranda in any judicial department, which is why we consider the aforementioned actions as discriminatory.

The government of Honduras makes public declarations claiming to be a democracy, claiming that we have State Rights; however, its actions prove to be the contrary. The Government of President Porfirio Lobo commits acts of corruption and impunity in order to favor powerful religious groups. For example: the action taken against us on December 31, 2010 personally led by the State Secretariat in the Office of Interior and Justice, Carlos Africo Madrid.

We appeal to you with clear understanding, and exhort your government to abstain from sending Honduras any monetary aid - or aid of any sort - as the Government of Honduras is a transgressor of the Fundamental Human Rights, who prevents us from enjoying our freedom of speech and belief.

Thank you in advance for your positive response to our request. We are at your service to further clarify this information, knowing that we are in the hands of the Angelical Covering. The best day for you.


Bishop of Honduras